Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Missy + James

If you can't stand cute then you might want to avert your eyes. These two are just fine human specimens. The fact that they're equally as sweet just makes them that much more irresistible.
The wedding was in Dyersville, home to the site where Kevin Costner filmed his "Field of Dreams". James and his crew are baseball players and we made the short trek to the famous field. The reality of "wedding time" (clocks run so much faster during a wedding) caused me to scramble as the sun set just as we arrived and left me working in the literal dark. It also made for some adventurous batting practice.


mindy myers said...

first of all, "cute" is the my overused word.
secondly, please stop blogging.
i have a lot of work to do and it's making me feel badly about neglecting my own blog. also, by the time your now-humongous photos load, i've already wasted half of my work day.
but damn, they are cute.

mandy miller said...

all of these weddings rock, but this one is my fave. i love the shot of her at the plate. effin sweet holler. :)

great job mk.
another mm