Monday, April 23, 2007

Carly + Kelly

There was a lot of smiling going on in Ames on Saturday. A lot of that ear-to-ear grinning was done by the bride, Carly, who never seemed to let the pressure of the day faze her. But there was still plenty of happy faces to go around as her and Kelly's day was blessed with sunshine and tons of friends and family to see them into their new life as husband and wife.

The ringbearers reflected all the dignity of the occasion but, despite their well-dressed appearance and best efforts, they soon lost control of their faces and turned back into the boys they are.

The flowergirl only made it halfway up the aisle before detouring to the comfort of her favorite stuffed animal and blanket, refuge from the burden of that cute little basket of rose petals.

I'm just guessing but I suspect our bride's quick smile was inherited from her father, who, like most fathers of the bride, smiled a lot (after the ceremony).

The church, in addition to having yellow stained glass windows, had yellow walls. You can either fight the color or work with it.

En route to the reception and away from the madding crowd, the bridal party took a detour and we made some fun photos at the park and, after some refreshments, in an old phone booth wedged into a bar in Boone.

Great toasts yield great reactions. There was plenty of both at the head table.

The power of images: Watching a slide show celebrating the couples' lives.

And then things got weird, I mean funky. We call this dancing in Iowa.


avs said...

great job jmark

Shelld said...

Beautiful photos!! What a fun timeline with captions of this magical day! :) Shell