Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Spring fever (indoor variety)

When Lindsay + Ben, who are getting married in July, scheduled their engagement shoot for early April, I envisioned these Chicagoans frolicking in the warm spring air amid blooming flowers and singing birds. I forgot where I live. Instead, "spring," which did have a glorious start this year, quickly turned tail and gave us temperatures colder than Christmas and winds only a penguin could love. So, we stayed inside the Fitch Building downtown and made the most of the light and drafty but warm environment before us. Lindsay + Ben seemed ok with my suggestions of canoodling in order to stay warm. They're good sports. We'll do the outdoor stuff in July.


F said...

I just recommended you to a friend, so I hopped on over to your website and amongst all the lovely pictures, I see you have a blog. Not only are you a talented photographer, but a witty writer as well. A rare and delightful combination!

If I was going to have internet access in the future I would definitely become a regular reader. However, Jeff and I finally got placed for the Peace Corps and are headed to Panama in May. We’ll be lucky to have running water, so I think internet will be out of the question.

Much luck to you,

Foy (June 2006 Bride)

avs said...

I love those last 3 a lot! Way to work it!